Tuesday, February 26, 2013


After adding the character cards to minimize the amount of luck and add more strategy to the game, we decided to play the game in class. Initially, the game ran very smoothly and the basic structure seemed flawless. But, after playing the game multiple times we encountered another problem. Because we only had four character cards, players tended to pick the same character cards over and over again which made it unfair for the player who picked first. The whole period we discussed how to solve this dilemma. After endless discussion, we finally decided to each brainstorm ideas at home and discuss them when we meet during the week.

When we met during the week we each came with different ideas on how to fix the problem. After discussing our ideas we decided that we first should add more character cards. Adding more character cards would add more strategy to the game as well as help our problem of people selecting the same cards over and over again. After doing that, we tested our game with members of my fraternity, and we still encountered the same problem. So after collaborating again, we decided that to go along with the extra character cards, we would have to change the order in which the players choose the character cards, in order to insure that the same player does not select the same card simultaneously. 

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